STORY TELLING arrogant mouse On a very beautiful day in a high settlement a rat arrogant mouse that boasted of its activities he told his friends. "Do you know what rice fields are near the river?" . "Yes, I know," said his friend. "What's wrong?". "You know that rice fields always harvest and never fail, do you know what causes it?" . "No, What is the cause?" . "Of course, because of me, I always kill weeds and kill small animals, even I fight snakes there. Farmers are afraid of me, the animals there are also afraid of me." he said boasting. "Is it true? how could it be like that" said his friend. "Of course how could I lie". "but we don't believe". "Of course you have to believe it! Because it's the truth!". "I heard in the village across the Middle held a competition shot against a snake. Whoever is against...