Learn to dance traditional

     On Thursday I usually teach dance in the village.  Incidentally the village has a studio to practice or learn to dance.  Not only children who participated in the workshop activities, but there were teenagers and even mothers or fathers too.

     There are 2 days for the studio activities.  The first is for grade 3 to grade 6 elementary school.  On Thursday it is time for the little children who are still sitting in Kindergarten to Grade 2 elementary school to dance.  For mothers, they still cannot participate in the studio activities because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

     They can learn traditional Indonesian dances, especially East Java.  For children, it is usually more to play dance, because they are still young and it is time to play.  If you have entered adolescence, it is usually more of an entertaining dance or a dance that has meaning and story value in it.  It can even describe a figure who is considered very important to an area.  Of course, the difficulty level is even higher because it is considered capable.  For mothers, it is almost the same as adolescents but according to the abilities of the mothers.

     Even though now Indonesia is still experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, it has not caused the studios to close activities.  Here I and other trainers continue to carry out the workshop activities according to recommended health protocols.  Such as maintaining distance, wearing a mask, using a handsanitizer or washing hands and also carrying drinking equipment and properties



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